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IWRL6432: ISR is not triggered

Genius 13655 points
Part Number: IWRL6432

Hello Champs,

Customer modified the demo code in SDK 5.3.0 to remove the RTOS architecture, but the current problem is that the related ISR is not triggered (Frame start time trigger).

Confirmed MMWave_init, rl_fecssRfPwrOnOff, MMWave_open, MMWave_config, MMWave_start is executed in order and compiled with no error message at run time.

Are there any other steps missing if the ISR is not triggered? Are there specific processes to reference? 

Below is the code for registering an ISR

static void mmwDemoFrameStartISR(void *arg)

int32_t mmwDemo_registerFrameStartInterrupt(void)
int32_t retVal = 0;
int32_t status = SystemP_SUCCESS;
HwiP_Params hwiPrms;
HwiP_Object gHwiFrameStartHwiObject;

/* Register interrupt */
hwiPrms.callback = mmwDemoFrameStartISR;
hwiPrms.priority = 0;
status = HwiP_construct(&gHwiFrameStartHwiObject, &hwiPrms);

if(SystemP_SUCCESS != status)
retVal = SystemP_FAILURE;

return retVal;


  • Hi Shine,

    There are 2 possibilities that I see from your description

    1. Frame itself is not getting triggered due to incorrect configuration

    2. Frame is triggered and interrupt is generated but not registered by the processor

    You can check if the adc buffer is getting loaded with fresh data after frame is triggered or not. That indicates if the frame is triggered or not

    You can debug by keeping breakpoints if the frame start interrupt is configured or not.
