What I want to do:
Now I have a running bootloader (sbl_qspi), When I download a hex file to specify empty location, for example 0x1021E000-0x10220000. then I send command to call code location int hex.(0x1021e018)you can see in picture)
. I find these instruction(0x1021e018) can't be executed. if I run to 0x1021E026, It should return to R14. but it continue to 0x1021E028.
I try to put these codes at 0x1021E000-0x10220000 directly, compiled these code in sbl_qspi and make sure same location have same instruction, these same instructions can be executed correctly
I use CCS to debug this function. I don't know why same instructions have different result. Any Idea?
The picture