I'm trying to measure the rpm from the tacho signal with an amc6821, using a 3 pin PWM fan (1200 mm, max rpm = 3100), however, I'm unable to get it to not surge during the measurements (my issues are similar those described in: https://e2e.ti.com/support/data-converters-group/data-converters/f/data-converters-forum/107812/amc6821-pwm-cycling). The mode it's running in is
The settings I'm running:
* TACH-EN = 1
* PWM-ON = 1
* PWMINV = 1 (due to our setup, the PWM should indeed be inverted)
* FDRC = 11 (i.e. the operation mode is to act based upon the temperature measured)
I've tested various different PWM frequencies, interestingly enough with different results:
With the PWM mode pin connected to ground:
* 25 khz - Surges a lot, getting rpm readings which are completely off
* 1 khz - Surges (less surging than 25khz though) and sings (not suprised, 1 khz is within the audible spectrum), getting a lot more probable rpm readings
Pwm Mode left floating:
* 94 hz - Sings, a lot less surging, probable rpm measurements
* 30 hz - Makes clicky noises, probable rpm measurements
* 10 hz - Even clickier, probable rpm measurements
Considering that, from what I can see in the datasheet, the amc6821 will need to keep the PWM signal high during the measurement (which is understandable due to that the fan need to be powered to emit a tach signal in the first place), I wonder: is it possible to avoid surging at all when running a 3 pin fan or is it unavoidable due to the fact that the signal needs to be held high while measuring?