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OPT3101: OPT3101 SDK Calibration

Part Number: OPT3101

Hi Team:

     I have a question:

     New hardware needs to be calibrated, following the steps in the SDK; Used OPT3101 Configuration Tool  create  OPT3101_configuration.cpp file; OPT3101 Configuration Tool Like This:


    Open conditional compilation INLAB_STEP_0,Test the calibration distance of each channel current value to ensure that the amplitude read is between 16000 and 24000; The distance like this:

   Open conditional compilation INLAB _STEP_1 to calibration ; I found the distance after  calibration  between 13mm and 128mm is wrong;  Like this:

What could be the cause and how to fix it?


  • Pengsheng,

      I have several questions.

    1) What is the part number for the emitter LED? (Beam width)

    2) What is the part number for the photodiode? (Beam Width)

    3) What is the distance between the emitter and photodiode?

    4) What is the customer using to isolate the IR between the emitter and the photodiode?

        a) Is there a can or tube around the emitter or photodiode? 

        b) how tall is the isolator material? (drawings or full description would be helpfull)

    Note: There is a minimum distance for measuring distance based on the above specifications. It may be possible that 128mm is below this distance. The only way to know is to determine the distance by looking at these specifications.

  • Gordon:

       1:The part number for the emitter LED is SFH4550  half angle 3°;

       2: The part number for the photodiode is SFH213FA half angle 10°

       3:The distance between the emitter and photodiode is 11mm;

       4: The hardware uses copper pipe to isolate the IR between the emitter and the photodiode,the height of the copper pipe is 9mm,Like this:


              Drawings of copper pipes is :



  • Pengsheng,

      By my calculations the point that the beams cross is at 100mm. It's at 120mm that you have half of the emitter beam reflecting back providing enough amplitude to give you an accurate phase calculation for an accurate distance. This point can vary based on target, the actual beam width tolerances. 


    You may not get closer than this. It's partly because of the narrow beam width.