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AWR2243: Problem in reading data in cascaded 2243 radar (MMWCAS-RF-EVM / MMWCAS-DSP-EVM)

Part Number:  AWR2243

I am using 2243 cascaded radar to capture the radar. I used "mmWave Studio Cascade" user guide to setup and capture the data. Four bin files has been generated, i.e., one for master and three for slaves. I am using three Tx and four Rx for each radar. So total 12 Tx and 16 Rx. I am following 8.3 Cascade Use Cases – Configuration and Post-processing from the setup guide. For tdm mimo i have set up the environment as said in the manual. after restarting the matlab i set the current directory to "C:\ti\mmwave_studio_03_00_00_14\mmWaveStudio\MatlabExamples\4chip_cascade_MIMO_example", then when i run the add_paths.m, i am getting following error. please help.

>> add_paths
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\utils\math
> In path (line 109)
In addpath>doPathAddition (line 116)
In addpath (line 80)
In add_paths (line 43)
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\utils\dataParse
> In path (line 109)
In addpath>doPathAddition (line 116)
In addpath (line 80)
In add_paths (line 44)
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\utils\disp
> In path (line 109)
In addpath>doPathAddition (line 116)
In addpath (line 80)
In add_paths (line 45)
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\utils\cascade_json_parser
> In path (line 109)
In addpath>doPathAddition (line 116)
In addpath (line 80)
In add_paths (line 46)

  • Hi Ritesh,

    Please find my inputs as below:

    1. The getenv() function in the add_paths.m looks for the systems environment variable. In your case, you are currently editing the user environment variable which the MATLAB script will not be able to find.
    2. I recommend that you hardcode your homeDir to the path of your MATLAB example code and try with the same.



  • Thank you Kaushik for your quick assistance. I solved that part. However when I am running the "cascade_MIMO_signalProcessing.m" code, I am getting following error.

    paramFile= C:\ti\mmwave_studio_03_00_00_14\mmWaveStudio\PostProc\cascade_test_22.3.24\cascade_test.mmwave.json
    Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.

    Error in parameter_file_gen_json (line 100)
    TxChannelEnabled(iconfig) = channelID;

    Error in cascade_MIMO_signalProcessing (line 80)
    parameter_file_gen_json(dataFolder_test, dataFolder_calib, module_param_file, pathGenParaFile, dataPlatform);

  • about the previous problem regarding add_paths.m, I created environment in "user variable for user", then i was getting the previous error while runnin gthe code. now i created the same environment in system variable and the code running without error. 

  • Hi Ritesh,

    Can you let me know the following?

    • Captured the data using the default .lua scripts without any changes? If so, could you also name the same exact file.
    • Have you made any other changes in the post processing MATLAB scripts?
    • Can you set up breakpoints in the matlab code, view the values of the copied parameters and see if it actually matches the parameters in the capture .json file?



  • Hello Kaushik. I have collected data using GUI, not lua script. I transferred the data in my folder and also ran the post processing. All was okay. however when i am going to run the "cascade_MIMO_signalProcessing.m", i getting the error. I am attaching the screenshot of the sensorconfig before starting the capturing. Also I havent change anything in the matlab code. I only change the data location in test file. 

  • Hi Ritesh,

    I would suggest that you once capture data using the following .lua script.


    The Matlab code is verified with this script and would like to confirm it is the case in your setup as well. Once it confirmed, you can see what changes need to go to your data capture or your processing to proceed further.


    Kaushik Gowda

  • Dear Kaushik,

    thank you. I was able to run the code while I collected the data with the lua script. I think it is better to capture with the lua script only as it is more compatible with the code. However I want to learn about the lua scripts, how it is written? Where should i have to change to set my own parameters? Is there any guide for that. Specifically for the examples that are already given in the installation directory. 

  • Hi Ritesh,

    There is no particular user guide for lua scripting. Users are recommended to go through the example scripts and understand how it can be altered. With respect to the AR1 API commands, you can use the command "help ar1.xxxx()" to gain more information about that in the lua shell.

    You can also go through the mmwave Studio userguide to get a bit more info there regarding what is supported in Studio.

