Part Number: PGA305EVM-034
I have PGA305EVM-034.
This is my first time with this system.
I am trying to setup a gain.
PGA305EVM-034 is setup for:
1. Voltage output
2. OWI
3. P_GAIN = 5
4. P_INV = NO
5. V_BRG = 2.5V
6. External Bridge 4.89K, $4.99K, 4.99K & 4.99K
==> Reading P_ADC = FFFEB1A
Changing only
==> Reading P_ADC = FFFEAF0
Both reading are negative number.
If I changed gain polarity, should the reading change sign?
How do I calculate PADC digital reading from Bridge Values and Setting of the system (P_GAIN, P_INV, V_BRG)
Did Change Bridge values correctly by entering new Potentiometer value?
Thank you for your help.