Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM
Hello, I'm currently working on a Python script to establish a connection to the DCA1000EVM via Ethernet. Referring to the DCA1000EVM CLI Software User Guide, I've identified the presence of three main components: DCA1000_CLI_Control.exe, DCA1000_CLI_Record.exe, and an RF DLL. The script is successfully sending commands to the board, but encounters failure specifically with the "start_record" command. Upon inspection, I've observed that the LVDS_PATH_ERR LED (LD7) is illuminated, indicating a potential issue with LVDS data transmission from the RADAR EVM.
According to the documentation, when the RADAR EVM fails to send LVDS data, the LVDS_PATH_ERR LED (LD7) lights up, and the CLI displays a "No LVDS data" message. Interestingly, executing the "start_record" command via the command line interface (CLI) is successful, while encountering failure when attempted through my Python script.
Furthermore, I'm at an impasse regarding the next steps to pursue live streaming . Additionally, I've noted that the specified path in the JSON configuration file, "fileBasePath": "C:\\mySavedData", does not seem to be saving any records eventhough using cmd .
Could you please provide guidance on the steps I should follow to enable streaming via Ethernet?