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AWRL1432: EM Encrypt Model

Part Number: AWRL1432

When I try to use the ENCRYP Model to co-design antenna (ex:Patch antenna), it turns out that there're 15 ports in 1 file (AWRL1432_3RX2TX)
I want to make sure:

- How do you suggest costumer use your ANSYS MODEL to do EM simulation?

- What's the fuction of LBK port in EM simulation? Is that nessesary? 

- Coud I remove all of the LBK port to reduce the time cost of simulation? (DIE_LBK_Rx1/2/3,DIE_LBK_Tx1/2)

a. The reason why I ask is that the result on smithchart will be different. (Circuit model)

b, When I use 3D EM model of package(including port) I changed the PCB material and drawed antenna on the PCB, I also compared Die_Rx1/2/3 and Die_Tx1/2 only with original(which has both DIE and DIE_LBK) > Result will also be different

  • Hi,

    Thanks for posting. We will follow up in the next day or so.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Chen,

    - The ANSYS model can be used as it is with your PCB file. Only thing you have to take care of is the impedance matching of package ball to PCB transition.

    - The LBK port is used for power monitoring purposes in the system. Removing that will give inconsistent result from the simulations. So, it is recommended to have the LBK ports in the simulation.



  • Hi Sreedeep K S,


    Another question : The Encrypt 3D component can only be imported to the Solution Type named "Modal Network"
    I will creat my transimission on PCB which is my design and import one of the file from TI. Subsequently i will get error message told me the port in the Encrypt model is non-planar.

    Is that normal? How to solve it ?

  • Hi Chen,

    I think once you import the encrypted model into your design and set the solution type as model network it should be okay given that you have aligned the model properly with your PCB using the right co-ordinate system. I will check this further with the internal team and get back to you.



  • Hi TI pals,

    I had solved the problem I mentioned 3 weeks ago. Another problem is that

    Based on your suggerstion:
     1. I reserved the LBK port (Take AWRL_PKG_2TX for example)
    the impedance of Die_Tx/1/2 port will be 25ohm

    2. If I removed the LBK Port, I would get the impedance of  Die_Tx/1/2 port equal 50ohms.

    I would like to ensure you said
    "Only thing you have to take care of is the impedance matching of package ball to PCB transition."

    Your suggestion is that reserve the LBK port and match to 25ohm?


  • Hi Howard,

    I will check with the internal packaging team and get back to you on how to match the ball to PCB with the LPBK port reserved.

