I have prepared a .JSON file to load for Feature Lite Build, refer to visualizer's default sent CONFIG
please help check if all the conversion correct?
what I'm not sure is the "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase: parameters, and the "adcDataSource",
also the 1st parameter for boundaryBox.
Reference .CFG:
sensorStop 0
channelCfg 7 3 0
chirpComnCfg 16 0 0 128 4 28 0
chirpTimingCfg 6 32 0 40 60.5
frameCfg 2 0 200 64 100 0
antGeometryCfg 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 2.418 2.418
guiMonitor 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
sigProcChainCfg 32 2 3 2 8 8 1 0.3
cfarCfg 2 8 4 3 0 12.0 0 0.5 0 1 1 1
aoaFovCfg -70 70 -40 40
rangeSelCfg 0.5 6.0
clutterRemoval 1
compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
adcDataSource 0 adc_data_0001_CtestAdc6Ant.bin
adcLogging 0
lowPowerCfg 1
factoryCalibCfg 1 0 40 0 0x1ff000
boundaryBox -3.5 3.5 0 9 -0.5 3
sensorPosition 0 0 1.9 0 0
staticBoundaryBox -3 3 0.5 7.5 0 3
gatingParam 3 2 2 2 4
stateParam 3 3 12 50 5 200
allocationParam 6 10 0.1 4 0.5 20
maxAcceleration 0.4 0.4 0.1
trackingCfg 1 2 100 3 61.4 191.8 100
presenceBoundaryBox -3 3 0.5 7.5 0 3
microDopplerCfg 1 0 0.5 0 1 1 12.5 87.5 1
classifierCfg 1 3 4
profileSwitchCfg 0 25 25
baudRate 1250000
sensorStart 0 0 0 0
.JSON File:
"rxChCtrlBitMask": "7",
"txChCtrlBitMask": "3",
"miscCtrl": "0"
"digOutputSampRate": "16",
"digOutputBitsSel": "0",
"dfeFirSel": "0",
"numOfAdcSamples": "128",
"chirpTxMimoPatSel": "4",
"chirpRampEndTime": "28",
"chirpRxHpfSel": "0"
"chirpIdleTime": "6",
"chirpAdcSkipSamples": "32",
"chirpTxStartTime": "0",
"chirpRfFreqSlope": "40",
"chirpRfFreqStart": "60.5"
"numOfChirpsInBurst": "2",
"numOfChirpsAccum": "0",
"burstPeriodicity": "200",
"numOfBurstsInFrame": "64",
"framePeriodicity": "100",
"numOfFrames": "0"
"vAnt0_row": "0",
"vAnt0_col": "0",
"vAnt1_row": "1",
"vAnt1_col": "1",
"vAnt2_row": "0",
"vAnt2_col": "2",
"vAnt3_row": "0",
"vAnt3_col": "1",
"vAnt4_row": "1",
"vAnt4_col": "2",
"vAnt5_row": "0",
"vAnt5_col": "3",
"antDistX": "2.418",
"antDistZ": "2.418"
"pointCloud": "2",
"rangeProfile": "3",
"noiseProfile": "0",
"rangeAzimuthHeatMap": "0",
"rangeDopplerHeatMap": "0",
"statsInfo": "1",
"presenceInfo": "0",
"adcSamples": "0",
"trackerInfo": "1",
"microDopplerInfo": "1",
"classifierInfo": "1",
"quickEvalInfo": "0"
"azimuthFftSize": "32",
"elevationFftSize": "2",
"motDetMode": "3",
"coherentDoppler": "2",
"numFrmPerMinorMotProc": "8",
"numMinorMotionChirpsPerFrame": "8",
"forceMinorMotionVelocityToZero": "1",
"minorMotionVelocityInclusionThr": "0.3"
"averageMode": "2",
"winLen": "8",
"guardLen": "4",
"noiseDiv": "3",
"cyclicMode": "0",
"thresholdScale": "12.0",
"peakGroupingEn": "0",
"sideLobeThreshold": "0.5",
"enableLocalMaxRange": "0",
"enableLocalMaxAzimuth": "1",
"interpolateRange": "1",
"interpolateAzimuth": "1"
"minAzimuthDeg": "-70",
"maxAzimuthDeg": "70",
"minElevationDeg": "-40",
"maxElevationDeg": "40"
"minMeters": "0.1",
"maxMeters": "6.0"
"enabled": "1"
"rangeBias": "0.0",
"virtAntIdx 1": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 2": "-1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 3": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 4": "-1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 5": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 6": "-1.00000, 0.00000"
"enable": "0"
"enable": "1"
"saveEnable": "1",
"restoreEnable": "0",
"rxGain": "40",
"txBackoff": "0",
"flashOffset": "0x1FF000"
"Zone": "1",
"x-min": "-3.5",
"x-max": "3.5",
"y-min": "0",
"y-max": "9",
"z-min": "-0.5",
"z-max": "3"
"xOffset": "0",
"yOffset": "0",
"zOffset": "1.9",
"azimTilt": "0",
"elevTilt": "0"
"x-min": "-3",
"x-max": "3",
"y-min": "0.5",
"y-max": "7.5",
"z-min": "0",
"z-max": "3"
"Gain": "3",
"Limit-Width": "2",
"Limit-Depth": "2",
"Limit-Height": "2",
"Limit-Velocity": "4"
"det2actThre": "3",
"det2freeThre": "3",
"active2freeThre": "12",
"static2freeThre": "50",
"exit2freeThre": "5",
"sleep2freeThre": "200"
"snrThre": "6",
"snrThreObscured": "10",
"velocityThre": "0.1",
"pointsThre": "4",
"maxDistanceThre": "0.5",
"maxVelThre": "20"
"MaxAccel-X-direction": "0.4",
"MaxAccel-Y-direction": "0.4",
"MaxAccel-Z-direction": "0.1"
"enable": "1",
"IntialConfigParams": "2",
"maxNumPoints": "100",
"maxNumTracks": "3",
"maxRadialVelocity": "61.4",
"radialVelocityResolution": "191.8",
"deltaT": "100",
"boresightFilteringEnable": "0"
"x-min": "-3",
"x-max": "3",
"y-min": "0.5",
"y-max": "7.5",
"z-min": "0",
"z-max": "3"
"enabled": "1",
"genApproach": "0",
"targetSize": "0.5",
"magnitudeSquared": "0",
"circShiftCentroid": "1",
"normalizedSpectrum": "1",
"interceptThrLowFreq": "12.5",
"interceptThrUpFreq": "87.5",
"specShiftMode": "1"
"enabled": "1",
"minNumPntsPerTrack": "3",
"missTotFrmThre": "4"
"switchCfgEnable": "0",
"frmPretoTrack": "25",
"frmTracktoPre": "25"
"frameTrigMode": "0",
"chirpStartSigLbEn": "0",
"frameLivMonEn": "0",
"frameTrigTimerVal": "0"