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IWRL6432BOOST: .JSON to load into CCS Feature Lite Build "LOAD from JSON"

Part Number: IWRL6432BOOST

I have prepared a .JSON file to load for Feature Lite Build, refer to visualizer's default sent CONFIG

please help check if all the conversion correct?
what I'm not sure is the "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase: parameters, and the "adcDataSource",
also the 1st parameter for boundaryBox.

Reference .CFG:
sensorStop 0
channelCfg 7 3 0
chirpComnCfg 16 0 0 128 4 28 0
chirpTimingCfg 6 32 0 40 60.5
frameCfg 2 0 200 64 100 0
antGeometryCfg 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 2.418 2.418
guiMonitor 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
sigProcChainCfg 32 2 3 2 8 8 1 0.3
cfarCfg 2 8 4 3 0 12.0 0 0.5 0 1 1 1
aoaFovCfg -70 70 -40 40
rangeSelCfg 0.5 6.0
clutterRemoval 1
compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
adcDataSource 0 adc_data_0001_CtestAdc6Ant.bin
adcLogging 0
lowPowerCfg 1
factoryCalibCfg 1 0 40 0 0x1ff000
boundaryBox -3.5 3.5 0 9 -0.5 3
sensorPosition 0 0 1.9 0 0
staticBoundaryBox -3 3 0.5 7.5 0 3
gatingParam 3 2 2 2 4
stateParam 3 3 12 50 5 200
allocationParam 6 10 0.1 4 0.5 20
maxAcceleration 0.4 0.4 0.1
trackingCfg 1 2 100 3 61.4 191.8 100
presenceBoundaryBox -3 3 0.5 7.5 0 3
microDopplerCfg 1 0 0.5 0 1 1 12.5 87.5 1
classifierCfg 1 3 4
profileSwitchCfg 0 25 25
baudRate 1250000
sensorStart 0 0 0 0

.JSON File:

"rxChCtrlBitMask": "7",
"txChCtrlBitMask": "3",
"miscCtrl": "0"
"digOutputSampRate": "16",
"digOutputBitsSel": "0",
"dfeFirSel": "0",
"numOfAdcSamples": "128",
"chirpTxMimoPatSel": "4",
"chirpRampEndTime": "28",
"chirpRxHpfSel": "0"
"chirpIdleTime": "6",
"chirpAdcSkipSamples": "32",
"chirpTxStartTime": "0",
"chirpRfFreqSlope": "40",
"chirpRfFreqStart": "60.5"
"numOfChirpsInBurst": "2",
"numOfChirpsAccum": "0",
"burstPeriodicity": "200",
"numOfBurstsInFrame": "64",
"framePeriodicity": "100",
"numOfFrames": "0"
"vAnt0_row": "0",
"vAnt0_col": "0",
"vAnt1_row": "1",
"vAnt1_col": "1",
"vAnt2_row": "0",
"vAnt2_col": "2",
"vAnt3_row": "0",
"vAnt3_col": "1",
"vAnt4_row": "1",
"vAnt4_col": "2",
"vAnt5_row": "0",
"vAnt5_col": "3",
"antDistX": "2.418",
"antDistZ": "2.418"
"pointCloud": "2",
"rangeProfile": "3",
"noiseProfile": "0",
"rangeAzimuthHeatMap": "0",
"rangeDopplerHeatMap": "0",
"statsInfo": "1",
"presenceInfo": "0",
"adcSamples": "0",
"trackerInfo": "1",
"microDopplerInfo": "1",
"classifierInfo": "1",
"quickEvalInfo": "0"
"azimuthFftSize": "32",
"elevationFftSize": "2",
"motDetMode": "3",
"coherentDoppler": "2",
"numFrmPerMinorMotProc": "8",
"numMinorMotionChirpsPerFrame": "8",
"forceMinorMotionVelocityToZero": "1",
"minorMotionVelocityInclusionThr": "0.3"
"averageMode": "2",
"winLen": "8",
"guardLen": "4",
"noiseDiv": "3",
"cyclicMode": "0",
"thresholdScale": "12.0",
"peakGroupingEn": "0",
"sideLobeThreshold": "0.5",
"enableLocalMaxRange": "0",
"enableLocalMaxAzimuth": "1",
"interpolateRange": "1",
"interpolateAzimuth": "1"
"minAzimuthDeg": "-70",
"maxAzimuthDeg": "70",
"minElevationDeg": "-40",
"maxElevationDeg": "40"
"minMeters": "0.1",
"maxMeters": "6.0"
"enabled": "1"
"rangeBias": "0.0",
"virtAntIdx 1": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 2": "-1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 3": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 4": "-1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 5": "1.00000, 0.00000",
"virtAntIdx 6": "-1.00000, 0.00000"
"enable": "0"
"enable": "1"
"saveEnable": "1",
"restoreEnable": "0",
"rxGain": "40",
"txBackoff": "0",
"flashOffset": "0x1FF000"
"Zone": "1",
"x-min": "-3.5",
"x-max": "3.5",
"y-min": "0",
"y-max": "9",
"z-min": "-0.5",
"z-max": "3"
"xOffset": "0",
"yOffset": "0",
"zOffset": "1.9",
"azimTilt": "0",
"elevTilt": "0"
"x-min": "-3",
"x-max": "3",
"y-min": "0.5",
"y-max": "7.5",
"z-min": "0",
"z-max": "3"
"Gain": "3",
"Limit-Width": "2",
"Limit-Depth": "2",
"Limit-Height": "2",
"Limit-Velocity": "4"
"det2actThre": "3",
"det2freeThre": "3",
"active2freeThre": "12",
"static2freeThre": "50",
"exit2freeThre": "5",
"sleep2freeThre": "200"
"snrThre": "6",
"snrThreObscured": "10",
"velocityThre": "0.1",
"pointsThre": "4",
"maxDistanceThre": "0.5",
"maxVelThre": "20"
"MaxAccel-X-direction": "0.4",
"MaxAccel-Y-direction": "0.4",
"MaxAccel-Z-direction": "0.1"
"enable": "1",
"IntialConfigParams": "2",
"maxNumPoints": "100",
"maxNumTracks": "3",
"maxRadialVelocity": "61.4",
"radialVelocityResolution": "191.8",
"deltaT": "100",
"boresightFilteringEnable": "0"
"x-min": "-3",
"x-max": "3",
"y-min": "0.5",
"y-max": "7.5",
"z-min": "0",
"z-max": "3"
"enabled": "1",
"genApproach": "0",
"targetSize": "0.5",
"magnitudeSquared": "0",
"circShiftCentroid": "1",
"normalizedSpectrum": "1",
"interceptThrLowFreq": "12.5",
"interceptThrUpFreq": "87.5",
"specShiftMode": "1"
"enabled": "1",
"minNumPntsPerTrack": "3",
"missTotFrmThre": "4"
"switchCfgEnable": "0",
"frmPretoTrack": "25",
"frmTracktoPre": "25"
"frameTrigMode": "0",
"chirpStartSigLbEn": "0",
"frameLivMonEn": "0",
"frameTrigTimerVal": "0"


  • Hello.

    Are you running into any particular issue with your configuration?  To check the configuration specifications, you can use the mmWave Sensing Estimator tool to do so.  For information on the other parameters, please refer to the documentation in SDK 5.4 for the demos to see what each parameter means and does.  You can access the documentation by opening the readme in the SDK for the specific device you are using.

