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AWR2944EVM: How to set the parameters for the MX25L3233FZNI-08G?

Part Number: AWR2944EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2944, SYSCONFIG

Hi, Gurus,

In TI document sprach9e, it says that AWR2944 suport MX25L3233FM2Q-08G.

Now we have MX25L3233FZNI-08G, and we don't know how to set the parameters in the attachment pictures so that AWR2944 can be flashed when using MX25L3233FZNI-08G.

Could you comment?

Thank you very much.


Tonghao Liu

  • Hi Tonghao,

    First you need to Flash Device type custom flash and then add exact Flash name that is provided in the Appnote. And for the parameters you have to check the device manual. But we have provided some json file for IS25LP032D and W25Q32JVSQ in SDK path: mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_<version>\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_<version>\tools\custom_flash and try to replicate the same for your device as well and you can go through them. Some important parameters to look for are flash Size, flash Page Size, flashManfId, flashDeviceId, resetType, enableType and rest of the parameter are generally same but go through the device manual once and try to map with the one that is already provided. (IS25LP032D and W25Q32JVSQ).


    Animesh Anand

  • Hi Animesh,

    In TI document "sprach9e:  Flash of TI Sensor", in Table 2-4, it says that AWR2944 support 


    Could you send me the json file for the MX25L3233F? So that I know what is the "flashManfId", "flashDeviceId", and "enableType" etc.


    Tonghao Liu

  • Hi Tonghao,

    The AWR2944 support means our device is compatible with the following flash device as well. Currently we do not have json for the same in the SDK. Regarding Flash Manufacture ID, Flash Device ID you have to go through the MX25L3233F device reference manual. There you will get all those values and further you can add the same in syscfg tool.


    Animesh Anand

  • Hi, Animesh,

    From MX25 I found IDs as the attachment, the manufactured ID =0XC2, for device ID, I tried 0X2016 or 0X0015, for enable type, I tried 0/1/2/3. totally tried 8 cobination. All failed with the same error as the attachment.

    I also attached one json file and MX25L3233F datasheet for check.

    Pls help to check what's the problem and fix it.

    I had replace the U1 with MX25R1635FZNIH0 in the 2944EVM. Every time we falshed both SBL boot and AWR2944 bin.

    We changed the sysconfig setting manually. We can't load the json file in sdk due to loading json error.    

    I am looking forward to your reply ASAP.


    Tonghao Liu 

       MX25L3233F, 3V, 32Mb, v1.7.pdf

        "flashSize": 4194304,  
        "flashPageSize": 256,  
        "flashManfId": "0xC2",    
        "flashDeviceId": "0x15", 
        "flashBlockSize": 65536,  
        "flashSectorSize": 4096,  
        "cmdBlockErase3B": "0xD8", 
        "cmdBlockErase4B": "0x00", 
        "cmdSectorErase3B": "0x20",  
        "cmdSectorErase4B": "0x00",   
        "protos": {
            "p111": {
                "isDtr": false,   
                "cmdRd": "0x03",  
                "cmdWr": "0x02",  
                "modeClksCmd": 0, 
                "modeClksRd": 0, 
                "dummyClksCmd": 0, 
                "dummyClksRd": 0, 
                "enableType": "0", 
                "enableSeq": "0x00", 
                "dummyCfg": null, 
                "protoCfg": null, 
                "strDtrCfg": null 
            "p112": null,
            "p114": {
                "isDtr": false, 
                "cmdRd": "0x6B",  
                "cmdWr": "0x02",  
                "modeClksCmd": 0, 
                "modeClksRd": 0, 
                "dummyClksCmd": 0, 
                "dummyClksRd": 8,  
                "enableType": "3", 
                "enableSeq": "0x00", 
                "dummyCfg": null, 
                "protoCfg": null, 
                "strDtrCfg": null 
            "p118": null, 
            "p444s": null, 
            "p444d": null, 
            "p888s": null, 
            "p888d": null, 
            "pCustom": null 
        "resetType": "0x10", 
        "cmdWren": "0x06",   
        "cmdRdsr": "0x05",   
        "srWip": 0,   
        "srWel": 1,   
        "cmdChipErase" : "0xC7",  
        "flashDeviceBusyTimeout": 6000000, 
        "flashPageProgTimeout": 4000 

  • Hi Tonghao,

    Can you comment on the difference between MX25L3233FM2Q-08G and MX25L3233FZNI-08G devices?


    Animesh Anand

  • Hi, Animesh,

    They should be the same for the json file.

    The difference of them is package: M2 is 200mil 8-SOP, ZN is 6X5mm 8-WSON, and I is industrial, Q should be automobile level.

    Both are 08G, and 08 means 133MHz, and G is RoHS Compliant.

    So I think the json files for them should be same.


    Tonghao Liu

  • Hi Tonghao,

    The resetType also varies with device to device. Can you check that as well from the manual?


    Animesh Anand