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IWRL6432: Request example codes for development

Part Number: IWRL6432
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843

Hi TI folks,

I am new to Texas Instrument development environment.

I did go through the provided user guide : mmWave Demo User Guide (  and Getting Started With xWRL6432 and knew that

  • there are 2 example code under MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01
  • there are multiple example projects under radar_toolbox_2_00_00_06

I have a project that requires the implementation of the following features. I've listed what I found from TI resources below. Please correct me if I'm wrong regarding the application of the provided resources.

  1. Fall Detection
    Guide: Fall Detection
    Question: is this feature available? From this page, Reference software for IWRL6432 mentioned "coming soon".
  2. Proximity Detection (Detection of Human object direction: moving towards the sensor, moving away from sensor, moving left or right)
    Guide: Area Scanner Users Guide (
    Question: is this feature available? I found this is for IWR6843. From this guide, the sensor able to tell the human projection line. Is this projection info getting from sensor?
  3. Presence Detection (Detection of Human object within area)
    Guide: Presence And Motion Users Guide
    Source code: MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01\examples\mmw_demo\motion_and_presence_detection\source
  4. Breathing Rate Detection
    Guide: radar_toolbox_2_00_00_06/source/ti/examples/Medical/IWRL6432_Vital_Signs/docs/vital_signs_user_guide.html
    Source code: radar_toolbox_2_00_00_06\source\ti\examples\Medical\IWRL6432_Vital_Signs\src\6432
  5. Multi presence (counts number of people in a region)
    Guide: radar_toolbox_2_00_00_06\source\ti\examples\People_Tracking\IWRL6432_People_Tracking
    Source code:  MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01\examples\mmw_demo\motion_and_presence_detection\source
  6. Zone detection
    Requirements: Divides the detection area into multiple regions, sensor detects the objects based on regions. 
    Guide: Presence And Motion Users Guide
    Question: From the visualizer provided by this guide, there is a XY plot, the area of detection is divided into 4 regions. Is the sensor giving the presence info based on region detected object or some software is developed to highlight the green boxes based on the point cloud given by sensor?

If the detection zone having Fans, Air-con or Heater, will the mmWave sensor give false positive response in Presence or Motion detection? 

May I know what are the advantages of using Antenna on PCB compare with Antenna on Package? 

  • Hello, 

    Fall Detection
    Guide: Fall Detection
    Question: is this feature available? From this page, Reference software for IWRL6432 mentioned "coming soon".

    This feature is not yet available in any demo software for IWRL6432. I am not certain when this feature will be available. 

    Proximity Detection (Detection of Human object direction: moving towards the sensor, moving away from sensor, moving left or right)
    Guide: Area Scanner Users Guide (
    Question: is this feature available? I found this is for IWR6843. From this guide, the sensor able to tell the human projection line. Is this projection info getting from sensor?

    We don't have an exact copy of this demo for 6432 but the same tracker data which is used for plotting of the projection line is also available on 6432. Also the source code for the Area Scanner visualizer/gui is available with download of the Radar Toolbox so it should be possible for you to implement the same functionality for 6432.

    For 3-5 your understanding is correct. 

    Question: From the visualizer provided by this guide, there is a XY plot, the area of detection is divided into 4 regions. Is the sensor giving the presence info based on region detected object or some software is developed to highlight the green boxes based on the point cloud given by sensor?

    The sensor does indeed output a presence/ no presence indication for each of the configured zones. Please refer to the demo documentation from the SDK. The presence detection output is described at Examples and Demos > Mmwave Demos > Motion and Presence Detection OOB Demo > UART and Output to Host > Presence Detection TLV. 

    If the detection zone having Fans, Air-con or Heater, will the mmWave sensor give false positive response in Presence or Motion detection?

    This would depend on a few factors but it is likely that these would cause false positives. However there is some amount of mitigation which can be done using the configurable thresholds which are available as part of the presence detection implementation. These thresholds are configurable with the majorStateCfg/minorStateCfg commands. These commands are described in the demo documentation from the SDK at Examples and Demos > Mmwave Demos > Motion and Presence Detection OOB Demo > Configuration (.cfg) File Format (CLI INTERFACE).

    Additionally, these objects could be ignored by some other means such as classification

    May I know what are the advantages of using Antenna on PCB compare with Antenna on Package? 

    The main advantage of Antenna on PCB is that it allows flexibility in antenna design where as with Antenna on Package you are locked into what we have designed. You may find that you don't particularly need any resolution in the elevation direction and instead would want to maximize performance in the azimuth direction placing all antennas in a line, or you may wish to increase the number of patches on the antennas for the SNR benefit it provides, etc... 

    Best Regards,
