i have doubt regarding range -azimuth heat map generation using capon beam former.the formula used to generate Range -azimuth is attached in below image.
My questions:
1. does above equation is implemented for each range bin samples using Range FFT output data ?
range_fft_output_data = 4x8x16 matrix
4 -no of chirp
8- no of antenna
16 - range bin
step 1:
Rxx,1 is calculated for first range bin number
step 2:
then using Rxx,1 and steering vector, P1a for the first range bin is estimated.
step 3:
the same process is repeated for all the 16 range bins and finally we will have matrix of (16 range bin X corresponding P16a values ).this matrix is called Range-azimuth heat map.
please confirm my understanding is correct or not?
2. in the above equations (Rxx,n and Pna),where n signifies Number of range bin or any other value?