We’re currently developing a board using AWR2243 chip, I found rough info about internal calibration and internal monitors. If I understood well, these are my considerations/doubts:
- Calibrations are several on TI AWR2243 chip, they can be performed just at startup or at runtime, except 2 of them that cannot be done only at startup (APLL and Synth VCO)
- Calibration is performed at the end of each frame; however I found this scheme in which it seems that it can be performed every N frames. If this is true, how much big can this number N be?
- Monitoring: the sensors and monitors on TI chip are many. It is not clear which monitors are always available and which are available only if the chip is not chirping/transmitting (idle/standby mode)
- Monitoring: let's hypothesize that some monitors are always available. Is then possible to read them via I2C or SPI during the chip is chirping/transmitting? For example, the temperature sensor can be read while the chip is transmitting a chirp? Is it possible to have a list of "always available monitors" and "monitors readable only in idle/standby" or something like this?