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AWR1243BOOST: Technical Support for AWR-1243

Part Number: AWR1243BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1243

Hi Team

  We have followed he guide and have downloaded
    mmwave_studio_02_01_01_00_win32.exe  — 226328 K

We even tried installing

mmwave_sdk_03_06_02_00-LTS-Windows-x86-Install.exe  — 487341 K

But, could not find any application file.

The Lua Shell has no RADAR API as per ten Guide. Even tried installing the RADAR Toolbox.

  • Hi Harshit,

    Thanks for reaching out to us on E2E.

    What are your objectives with AWR1243? 

    Are you trying to run the mmWave Studio to test the device?


  • Hi Anirban,

    Primary Objective is to connect, run demo code and see the radar data to get better understanding of the board and the system.




  • Hello Harshit,

    1) To connect the device and check the device performance you can use mmWave Studio. Refer to - mmwave_studio_02_01_01_00/docs/mmwave_studio_user_guide.pdf for your setup guide and run studio with AWR1243.

    2) As AWR1243 is a front end device only, it doesn't have any MCU. To showcase basic radar feature you can run the mmwavelink_example present in mmwave_dfp_01_02_06_03\ti\example\mmwavelink_example. You need an external host such as MMWAVE-DEVPACK or Launchpad to run the example (Refer to this document -


  • Hi Anirban,

       I am able to get the RADAR API window with proper installation.

       Connected the AWR1243 Device to the system and powered it ON. The FTDI Connectivity Staus is Connected but yet the Number of Devices Detected see 0. 


    As per the user guide 

    Before starting with any action on mmWaveStudio please make sure that GUI detects the device connected to PC. Value of ‘No of devices detected’ must be 1 else click on (Refresh) till it detects the device.



  • Hi Anirban,

       I am able to get the RADAR API window with proper installation.

       Connected the AWR1243 Device to the system and powered it ON. The FTDI Connectivity Staus is Connected but yet the Number of Devices Detected see 0. 


    As per the user guide 

    Before starting with any action on mmWaveStudio please make sure that GUI detects the device connected to PC. Value of ‘No of devices detected’ must be 1 else click on (Refresh) till it detects the device.



  • Hi Harshit,

    1. Can you share your board setup?

    2. What data capture card are you using DCA1000?


    Note: As AWR1243 is a front-end device, there is no FTDI connection on the AWR1243 board itself. You need to setup the board with our DCA1000 capture card that provides the FTDI connection to the radar device.


  • Hi,

    As we got no response from you after our last discussion, we expect your issue got resolved.

    Closing this thread.
