Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM, IWR6843
Dear experts,
I am using an IWR6843-ISK ODS with the Hard Coded Config for OOB Demo together with a DCA1000EVM. I have two question about the sequence of active TX antennas during a frame in the OOB. Currently I am using a configuration for each frame with 20 Chirps, 3 different TX antennas, the 4 RX antennas and 64 adc samples in one chirp (see "hc_config_profile_3d.h" in the attachment taken from the OOB here "mmwave_sdk_68xx_hcc_mss\mss\hc_config_profile_3d.h")
Given this configuration, in which sequence are the TX antennas active?
Is the first TX antenna used for the first 20 chirps, then the second TX antenna is used for the next 20 chirps, then the third TX antenna is used of the last 20 chirps?
Or is the first TX antenna active for the first chirp, then the second TX antenna for the second chirp and the third TX antenna for the third chirp and this is done 20 times?
This would be important for the velocity resolution as it influences the time between chirps of the same TX antenna.
Based on this, is the data format of an output matrix for one frame
-> 1 Frame = [TX, Chirp, RX, ADC samples] or
-> 1 Frame = [Chirp, TX, RX, ADC samples]?
I am using multiple TX antennas for the first time and it seems that I only get a sensible doppler range plot with the second option (1 Frame = [Chirp, TX, RX, ADC samples]).
Thank you for your help!