Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVEICBOOST,
I running the Vital Signs Tracking Lab on the IWR6843ISK, using the MMWAVEICBOOST board. I would like to send the range FFT output from the ARM Cortex-R4F MCU running the MSS code, over the data UART.
I currently am sending some portion of the radarCube over UART, but am not sure how to index it to be able to send just the range FFT output. I realize that the 921,600 bps rate of the UART is not sufficient to contain the entire radarCube.
I see that the code is using DPIF_RADARCUBE_FORMAT_2, which I believe looks like:
cmplx16ImRe_t x[numRangeBins][numDopplerChirps][numTXPatterns][numRX]
Is the first dimension of this [numRangeBins] the range FFT? If I have set the numAdcSamples to 96 in the config command profileCfg, would that be the size of this dimension of the radarCube?
Thank you for your assistance,