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IWRL6432AOP: TX/RX Antenna Gain

Part Number: IWRL6432AOP

Hello expert, 

Our customer wants to know the absolute antenna gain of IWRL6432AOP.

They referred,,

There is a description of RF output power in 7.10 RF Specification, as follows.

Output power [EIRP]  is 15[dBm]  typ.

They think this is  TX power + TX antenna gain,  then they would like to know each parameter.



  • Fujinaka-san, 

    Since the antennas are integrated into the device, we do not report the antenna gain. We report the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), as this number includes the TX output power, any losses between the antennas and the die, and the antenna gain. Additionally, since the antenna and the device are inseparable, anttenna gain isn't a parameter that would be immediately useful. The EIRP is what is measured by ETSI and FCC regulations. There shouldn't be a need for the antenna gain. 

    I hope this is helpful.

    Very Respectfully, 
