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LP-CC1312R7: Not receiving acknowledgement from MLX90614 sensor using i2cTransfer

Part Number: LP-CC1312R7


I'm having problems making the mlx90614 sensor give acknowledgement while using the LP-CC1312R7 launchpad with SIMPLELINK CC13XX CC26XX SDK. Two weeks trying to get ACK but the code i wrote cannot do it.
I will attach some images from the oscilloscope (comparing the waves of my error against a working arduino nano code) and my code here.

Obs.: I'm using the coap protocol to execute the functions. 1st and 2nd image are from the arduino, 3rd image is from my code.

int res_handler_MLXAmbientTemp(int8_t service_id, uint8_t source_address[static 16],
                 uint16_t source_port, sn_coap_hdr_s *request_ptr){

        if (request_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_GET){
            uint8_t def_rt_str[70];

            memset(def_rt_str, '\0', sizeof(def_rt_str));
            int16_t temp;

            transaction.targetAddress = OPT_ADDR; //OPT_ADDR = 0x5A Default Slave Address
            transaction.readBuf = rxBuffer;
            transaction.readCount = 3;
            transaction.writeBuf = txBuffer;
            txBuffer[0] = 0x06;
            transaction.writeCount = 2;

            if(I2C_transfer(i2c, &transaction))
                temp = convertBufferToDecimal(rxBuffer);
                sprintf((char*) def_rt_str, "%d rxBuffer[0] = %hhu rxBuffer[1] = %hhu", temp, rxBuffer[0], rxBuffer[1]);

                coap_service_response_send(service_id, 0, request_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT,
                                           COAP_CT_TEXT_PLAIN, (uint8_t*)def_rt_str, sizeof(def_rt_str));
                return 1;
                uint8_t valorErro[4];
                //valorErro[0] = transaction.status;
                sprintf((char*) valorErro, "%d", transaction.status);
                // Unsuccessful I2C transfer
                coap_service_response_send(service_id, 0, request_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT,
                                                       COAP_CT_TEXT_PLAIN, (uint8_t*)valorErro, sizeof(valorErro));
//                sprintf((char*) def_rt_str, "%d readBuffer[0] = %hhu readBuffer[1] = %hhu", temp, readBuffer[0], readBuffer[1]);
//                coap_service_response_send(service_id, 0, request_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT,
//                                                       COAP_CT_TEXT_PLAIN, (uint8_t*)def_rt_str, sizeof(def_rt_str));
                return 0;
        } else
            coap_service_response_send(service_id, 0, request_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
                                                   COAP_CT_TEXT_PLAIN, NULL, 0);
            return 0;
        return 0;