TI Engineer:
The actual product needs to use awrl1432 as the slave node. After detecting the target, it needs to send a wake up signal to wake up the master node.
According to the chip manual, 150ms after the wake up signal is sent, if the bus command is not received, the wake up signal will be sent again. After three times of sending timeout, the wake up signal needs to be sent again at an interval of 1.5s.
In actual test, as shown in Figure 1, the interval between two wake up signals is 36ms, and as shown in Figure 2, the interval between three wake up signals is 98ms. What is the cause? The wake up function used is LIN_sendWakeupSignal(APP_LIN_BASE_ADDR).
Is there some configuration missing that causes the wake signal to be sent at the wrong interval?
Figure 1 Interval between two wake-up signals
Figure 2 Interval of 3 timeout wake-up signals
The <lin_external_responder_interrupts> example in TI SDK is used. After receiving the sleep command, lin goes to sleep. After a delay of 15s, I used
LIN_sendWakeupSignal(APP_LIN_BASE_ADDR); to send wakeup signal.