when I use XDS200 to debug AWR2944, sometimes RTI interrupt can't enter .Especially observing some variables periodically.
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RTI has an option to stop counting when the debug is ongoing, have you enabled this option? In which case you may not see the RTI interrupt as the RTI counting would be paused.
Thank you for your replay. I konw RTI has an option to stop counting use RTIGCTRL Register COS bit,but not this reason because counter still increasing. Maybe there are similar issues with me(,But Ican't find the solution in this question.
In XDS200 supported products page, AWR2944 is not present. That may be the reason why you are seeing issues.
Thanks for this input. Let me check with the team if there are any know issues and get back on Thursday.
We have done one test : after RTI interrupt failure, clear RTI interrupt flag(RTIINTFLAG write 1) in other interrupt handle function , then RTI interrupt can work.
We have done other test: Add a break after clear interrupt flag in RTI interrupt serive function with XDS debug, then click run. Which alse caused RTI interrupt failure. We also write 1 to RTIINTFLAG register, then RTI interrupt alse can be resumed.
Thanks for the feedback, looks like the interrupt flag was not being cleared due to ISR not being hit in a timely manner due to the usage of debugger.
Your method of clearing RTIINTFLAG is the right approuch.
This is expected behavior on any embedded Realtime system. Due to the Realtime nature, if you are using a debugger to stall the CPU then you are bound to miss some events as the core is halted by the debugger and cannot service the ISR.
For this we have the RTI register (RTIGCTRL) to pause the RTI when core is halted by the debugger.