Hi TI experts,
I slightly modified the power modes example in SDK by changing the Threshold for LPDS from 30000000 to 20000 and adjusting SLEEP_TIME_TICKS from 50000 to 999. Then, I modified the idle task so that when the power modes example enters the LPDS use case and calls xSemaphoreTake(gPowerSem, SLEEP_TIME_TICKS);, the idle task prints out the value of xExpectedIdleTime.
What I don't understand is that when SLEEP_TIME_TICKS = 999, the value of xExpectedIdleTime is 999, and it doesn't enter LPDS. However, when SLEEP_TIME_TICKS = 1000, the value of xExpectedIdleTime is 1000, and it does enter LPDS. Why doesn't the system enter LPDS when SLEEP_TIME_TICKS = 999?
Best regards,