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MMWCAS-DSP-EVM: i want to capture quadcopter at high speeds and low altitudes. i want to configure the chirp parameters.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843, AWR1243


can you send me the chirp parameters for the drone identification task. can you suggest them correctly

  • I want to set up chirp parameters for the MRR case given below.

    Parameter Units MRR

    Max unambiguous range m 125

    Sweep bandwidth MHz 540

    Ramp slope MHz/us 12

    Inter-chirp duration us 10

    Number of chirps 128

    Range resolution m 0.28

    Chirp duration us 45

    Max umambiguous relative velocity kmph 63.75

    Max beat frequency MHz 10

    ADC sampling rate (complex) Msps 11.11

    Number of samples per chirp 500

    Range FFT size 512

    Frame time (total) ms 7.04

    Frame time (active) ms 5.76

    Radar data memory required KB 1024

    for the MRR case, what are the values I should assign for the below parameters in the LUA scripts.

    -- Profile configuration

    local profile_indx = ?

    local start_freq = ?  -- GHz

    local slope = ? -- MHz/us

    local idle_time = ? -- us

    local adc_start_time = ? -- us

    local adc_samples = ? -- Number of samples per chirp

    local sample_freq = ? -- ksps

    local ramp_end_time = ? -- us

    local rx_gain = ? -- dB

    local tx0OutPowerBackoffCode = ?

    local tx1OutPowerBackoffCode = ?

    local tx2OutPowerBackoffCode = ?

    local tx0PhaseShifter = ?

    local tx1PhaseShifter = ?

    local tx2PhaseShifter = ?

    local txStartTimeUSec = /

    local hpfCornerFreq1 = ? -- 0: 175KHz, 1: 235KHz, 2: 350KHz, 3: 700KHz

    local hpfCornerFreq2 = ? -- 0: 350KHz, 1: 700KHz, 2: 1.4MHz, 3: 2.8MHz

    -- Frame configuration

    local start_chirp_tx = ?

    local end_chirp_tx = ?

    local nchirp_loops = ? -- Number of chirps per frame

    local nframes_master = ? -- Number of Frames for Master

    local nframes_slave = ? -- Number of Frames for Slaves

    local Inter_Frame_Interval = ? -- ms

    local trigger_delay = ? -- us

    local nDummy_chirp = 0

    local trig_list = {1,2,2,2} -- 1: Software trigger, 2: Hardware trigger

    n_files_allocation = 0

    data_packaging = ? -- 0: 16-bit, 1: 12-bit

    capture_directory = "Cascade_Capture_01"

    num_frames_to_capture = ? -- 0: default case; Any positive value - number of frames to capture

    framing_type = ? -- 0: infinite, 1: finite

    capture_time = ? -- ms

    inter_loop_time = ? -- ms

    num_loops = ?

  • Hi Senal,

    We do not have such lua script with MRR configuration. I suggest you to go through the Medium Range Radar Users Guide ( demo from the Radar Toolbox. Download the Radar Toolbox and you will find the MRR demo configuration at radar_toolbox_<DIR>\source\ti\examples\ADAS\medium_range_radar\src\1843\common\mrr_config_chirp_design_MRR80.h. This demo is for AWR1843 and you need to configure it according to your requirements.



  • we want to detect drones at the low altitudes and high speed in the 20m range. there are four use cases  in the cascade user guide (AWR1243 CASCADE )  ( mmwave_studio_cascade_user_guide.pdf ). i want to know what is the correct use case for this one and also what is the correct lua scripts  for the ADC data capturing ? 

  • Hi Senal,

    Please refer to design guide - Imaging Radar Using Cascaded mmWave Sensor Reference Design (Rev. A) (

    Beamforming is used to increase the maximum range of detection. Since your use case is to detect objects at shorter distances, you can use MIMO for short range and high angle resolution.

