I am trying to read raw data over SPI from the ripple_demo for multiple RX and TX.
For 1 TX 1 RX i seem to get correct data but for multiple TX or multiple RX the data does not look correct.
Is there any modification needed to the ripple demo to support multiple TX and RX?
I don't have access to matlab so I have written my own data parser in python, so make sure I unpack the data correctly can you please tell me in what order is the raw data packaged when using eg. a 2tx 3rx chirp config?
Is it correct that CSL_APP_HWA_ADCBUF_RD_U_BASE contains samples from all RX in the form:
[rx0 s0][rx0 s1][rx0 s2][rx0 s3]...[rx0 sX][rx1 s0][rx1 s1][rx1 s2][rx1 s3]...[rx1 sX]...[rx3 sX][rx3 s0][rx3 s1][rx3 s2][rx3 s3]...[rx1 sX]
Is it correct that ripple_transferrawADCChirp() function is triggered once for each TX?