Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843ISK
I want to try occupany map on IWR6843AOPEVM. I found there is launch file "6843ISK_Occupancy.py" worked well on IWR6843ISK. But I coudn't found any example for IWR6843AOPEVM. Later, I tried to edit cfg and launch and again. console shows following message:
[mmWaveCommSrv-2] [INFO] [1726642879.816981485] [rclcpp]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'occStateMach 1 3 5 3 2 3 0 10
[mmWaveCommSrv-2] 'occStateMach' is not recognized as a CLI command
[mmWaveCommSrv-2] [INFO] [1726642879.821887087] [rclcpp]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'zoneDef 0 -0.8 0.8 0.2 1.50 -0.5 1.5'
[mmWaveCommSrv-2] [INFO] [1726642879.830790908] [rclcpp]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'zoneDef 0 -0.8 0.8 0.2 1.50 -0.5 1.5
[mmWaveCommSrv-2] 'zoneDef' is not recognized as a CLI command
I flashed "xwr6843AOP_mmw_demo.bin" to IWR6843AOPEVM. What I've did wrong ?