Hi Team,
I am using STM32F407 controller and trying to interface with one wire device TMP1827
I am using TMP1827EVM board and using TMP1827
I have couple of requests here:
I have made the circuit diagram as mentioned below but can you please confirm once, the pull up resistor value need to be used (390ohm is used in eval board but in datasheet it mentioned as 750ohm to 2.2kohm).
How can I know the Unique id of the device using the EVM tool. This is needed to compare if what I am reading is correct.
With the below circuit i am able to reset the bus (i.e., I sent 0x00h and also got 0xFCh as response) but when i am sending the SEARCH ADDRESS 0xFC and I am not getting any response can you please help me if i am missing something.