Hall-effect sensors are often the most cost effective option for magnetic switch designs.
When the sampling rate of the Hall-effect sensor is adjusted down, the total active sampling time needed to produce the Hall-effect is reduced and the sensor will spend the majority of the time in a low power mode until ready for the next sample. Devices like TMAG5233 drive the average current down to a minimum by setting the sample rate to as low as 5Hz. This results in a dramatic reduction in power consumption.
In the image above, we see the normal conversion cycle for TMAG5233, where once the minimum operating Voltage is reached on the supply, the device will periodically become active for a period (tactive), which for TMAG5233 is approximately 26µs.
Based on the sample rate of the device selected, it will remain in sleep mode for a time (ts) until time for the next sample. In the case of the 5Hz variant of TMAG5233 ts is typically about 200ms. This lets the device reach average operating currents as near 0.55µA.