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AWR1843: Elevation AoA estimation

Part Number: AWR1843


Hi there,

I'm trying to do elevation estimation using virtual channel 8 and 12 since there is vertical separation between them. I avoided FFT since the resolution would be poor and therefore I chose to do phase interferometry. As discussed in the TI MIMO processing document, I found the phase difference between channel 8 and channel 12 and then processed to get angles however the results I received are not correct. 

function [elevation_map] = elevation_estimation(rdm) % Input is a 3D range doppler map where the first dimension is channels, the second is doppler and third is range.
%Output is a 2D map of angles corresponding to each range doppler bin
   rdm_8 = squeeze(rdm(8,:,:));
   rdm_12 = squeeze(rdm(12,:,:));
   phase_diff = angle(rdm_8) - angle(rdm_12);
   wrapped_phase = mod(phase_diff + pi, 2*pi) - pi;
   dims = size(wrapped_phase);
   elevation_map = zeros(dims(1),dims(2));
   for i = 1:dims(1)
      for j = 1:dims(2)
         elevation_map(i,j) = asin(wrapped_phase(i,j)/pi) * 180/pi;

 Can you confirm that my estimation method is correct?