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MMWCAS-RF-EVM: format of the raw bin file collected from the cascaded awr 2243 radar

Part Number: MMWCAS-RF-EVM


I have collected data activating all 12 Tx and 16 Rx. I read all the bin files (master and slaves) using fread(fid, 'int16'). Total number of samples are correct as per the set parameters.

Total number of sample = 2 X No of sample per chirp X (No of chirps per loop X No of Tx) X No of Rx X No of frame

I want to arrange all this samples in a 192 virtual arrays, so its size should be (256 X 128 X 192 X 20). Where 256 is no of sample per chirp, 128 is no of chirps per loop, 192 is the total virtual arrays and 20 is the no of frames. 

Is there any stand alone code to get that? 

  • Hello,

    We have the below app note which helps understand the basics and provides some MATLAB examples for parsing the data.

    We also have a description of the raw data interface provided in section 8.4 of the datasheet.

    Lastly, we have some MATLAB examples provided in the mmWave Studio folder.


    Specifically, you can reference the C:\ti\mmwave_studio_03_00_00_14\mmWaveStudio\MatlabExamples\4chip_cascade_MIMO_example\utils\dataParse folder for basics on data parsing.

    From here you need to review the examples and then develop your own code to parse the data based on your requirements.

