AWRL6432BOOST: reduce the computation time spent on Capon

Part Number: AWRL6432BOOST


We are currently working on LifePresenceDetection_Capon2D demo, and we want to reduce the computation time spent on Capon, and because the application scenario does not need to appear too close or too far away point clouds, we want to reduce the number of loops in the doaProc_CaponBeamformingLoop function.

As follows, this is the maximum value for each range bin in the range-azimuth-elevation heatmap  after CaponBeamformingHWA_process , where the time spent to loop through all range bins is about 100ms.

As shown in the figure below, we changed the loop to a heatmap that only processes 5~37 range bins according to the application scenario, and wanted to reduce the calculation time spent on Capon, but I encountered a situation where the maximum value of each range bin in the heatmap became 0.

Is there anything missing from this change,or is there any other suggestion to complete it?