The DCA1000EVM is an evaluation module (EVM) that is used to supplement a mmWave Sensor in order to capture raw ADC data. This post will cover everything and anything you need to know about the DCA1000, how to get started, and how to approach any issue that may appear during the startup process.
Go to Section 6 if looking for potential fixes for your specific DCA1000 error.
1. What is the DCA1000EVM for? Do I need a DCA1000? Do I need a DCA1000 to run example code?
The DCA1000 is used to capture unfiltered, unprocessed, dumped IQ complex/real data straight from the ADC buffer. This data can then be manipulated via FFTs in programs such as MATLAB in order to create custom processing algorithms from scratch. This ADC data is what TI example code processes on-chip in order to generate outputs such as a 1D FFT range profile, a pointcloud, and object tracking. The open source TI mmWave sensor examples and demos already have all the on-chip processing chains built into it, and running these demos do not require a DCA1000.
Check out all the different open source mmWave Radar Sensor EVM demos at the Radar Toolbox in the TI Developer Zone
2. Can I use the DCA1000EVM to view/process the incoming data in real time?
No. The intended methodology is to record data and process it afterwards. The data is captured in real time, but only recorded and compiled into a user accessible file afterwards. Specifically, the raw ADC data is only compiled into a .bin file after recording is finished or when moving to a second data file after the first file max size is hit. This methodology is how all of our example algorithms were developed.
3. Does the DCA1000EVM come with everything needed to capture raw ADC data? What hardware requirements are necessary for raw data capture? What software and drivers do I need?
The following is a list of everything needed to successfully capture data with the DCA1000:
- DCA1000EVM
- mmWave Sensor
- Samtec 60-pin connector
- Ethernet cable
- 5V 3A Barrel-jack 5.5mm x 2.5mm Power Supply *
- One to two Micro USB Cables **
* Does not come with the DCA1000 EVM, needs to be purchased separately
** mmWaveStudio uses a combination of FTDI, SPI, and RS232. This will need two USB connections. LVDS based tools such as DCA1000 Adc Capture Tool and Studio CLI need only one USB connection, but are limited
- Windows PC with English Language Pack
- Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
- FTDI Driver
- XDS Driver
- If Code Composer Studio (CCS) has been downloaded and installed, this driver should already be installed.
- If using a 6843 or 6843AOP, you will need the Silicon Labs driver instead. Use the "CP210x Windows Drivers" download link
- MATLAB Runtime R2015aSP1 (v8.5.1) 32bit AND 64bit installations
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package 32bit (x86) AND 64bit (x64) installations (mmWaveStudio)
4. Can I capture raw data using the DCA1000EVM with __ operating system?
With regards to running the DCA1000EVM with mmWaveStudio, we do not officially support operating systems outside of Windows and outside of the English language pack. It is possible to run mmWaveStudio on Windows computers with different language packs, however there are several languages such as the French and German language packs that prevent certain functions from parsing properly, preventing expected functionality. It is also possible to configure, start, and record data from the DCA1000 using command line alone and having a packet sniffer program like WireShark to read in the data, however TI will not support nor answer questions on these methodologies.
5. What tools exist for the DCA1000EVM in order to do the capturing?
As of this post, the following tools exist
DCA1000 ADC Data Capture Tool
Studio CLI
For capturing raw data, we heavily recommend the use of the DCA1000 ADC Capture Tool for first time users. It is the simplest to use and has the most compatibility across systems. The downside of this tool is being limited in how configurable the device is, having the same configuration limitations that exist when deploying the sensor with the out of box demo. These limitations includes the radar cube shape and memory sizes. Download the Radar Toolbox to get this program. Instructions on how to download the Radar Toolbox via web browser can be found here. If additional configuring is needed that is not available with this tool, we recommend mmWaveStudio.
mmWaveStudio is a more advanced tool that can be used to have access to extra configuration parameters that are normally inaccessible. It can be used to perform certain actions such as running the device in CW mode for characterization and certification purposes.
Studio CLI is a legacy tool that is no longer supported. It also uses its own binary, and has a few more features the DCA1000 ADC Capture Tool currently lacks, such as loading a JSON file as input or CW mode without mmWaveStudio.
6. I have run into __ error. What does this mean and how do I fix this?
Here are a list of common error, their typical cause, and how to fix it. If your error is not listed here or you need more debugging support, check the DCA1000 Debugging Handbook and check the E2E forums before making a new post.
- Error: Connection failed: Calling_ConnectTarget returned 3
No initialized connection can be started with the device- Check radar and DCA EVM switches
- Check USB cable from radar to computer
- Unable to load DLL 'RadarLinkDLL.dll'
Required mmWaveStudio file exists, but the script's function call returns a does not exist because the ability to load the .dll does not exist.- Install Microsoft C++ Redist 2013 AND 2015 for x64 AND x86 (mmWaveStudio is a 32bit program, computers in 2024 tend to be 64bit)
- Reinstall FTDI drivers
- Unable to load file that has 'Unable to load DLL 'mclmcrrt8_5_1.dll' or other files with "8_5_1" in it
A required MATLAB file is not available- Install MATLAB Runtime R2015aSP1 (8.5.1) BOTH 32bit and 64bit
- Install MATLAB Runtime R2015aSP1 (8.5.1) BOTH 32bit and 64bit
- MSS Power Up async event was not received!
mmWave Sensor is not responding to host's queries, similar to when device in flashing mode and CLI commands are attempted to be sent.- Check firmware being flashed to device, can happen when flashing for example 18xx MSS/BSS for 68xx device
- Not enough power, ensure power supply is 5V 3A
- Restart computer and fully unplug and replug all hardware
- Unable to Read FPGA Version -5
DCA1000 is not responding host's queries- Exclusively between DCA1000 and computer, can be many things
- Computer's ethernet adapter must be Gigabit (>1Gbps). If using a Ethernet to USB dongle, ensure the dongle hardware supports >1Gbps.
- Firewall is blocking mmWaveStudio, will be specifically DCA1000_EVM_CLI_Control.exe and DCA1000_EVM_CLI_Record.exe. Within your firewall settings, ensure all permissions are checked for these two executables.
- FPGA is corrupted and needs to be reflashed with Lattice Tool
- Bad Ethernet Cable, FTDI chip doesn't like the USB cable used
- 5V 3A power supply
- Packet delay needs to be increased. mmWaveStudio attempts to connect by increasing the packet delay several times but may need to go past mmWaveStudio's "last attempt"
- Error: ReadRegister failed with error -2
- Power cycle everything, plug in Ethernet, then USB, then 5V 3A supply
- Power cycle everything, plug in Ethernet, then USB, then 5V 3A supply
- No LVDS Data
Invalid Radar chirp design, sensor was unable to start thus no data was saved
- Ensure chirp parameters are within firmware limits, and there are no impossible-to-resolve timings in place.
- Generally due to main chirp design, "profileCfg" in data capture that uses a configuration file or the SensorConfig tab in mmWaveStudio
- LVDS Data Full
Either SD card is inserted, or SD card switch is incorrect
- Remove SD card
- Ensure switches are set to the proper positions as shown in the DCA1000 User Guide
- Other Errors
- Carefully review the EVM-side and PC-side requirements at the top of this post to ensure no requirement is missed or partially missed.
- Debugging handbook has a list of less common errors
- mmWaveStudio was never meant to run on non-English UTF-8 computers
- Disable all firewalls and antivirus if possible
7. What are all the available resources related to the DCA1000?
DCA1000 Tool Page
DCA1000 User Guide
DCA1000's ADC Data Capture CLI Tool
DCA1000 CLI Command List for DCA1000 Executable
DCA1000 User Guide PDF
DCA1000 Debugging Handbook
DCA1000 Video Series