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AWR6843ISK: xWRLx432_Gesture_Recognition example running on AWR6843ISK

Part Number: AWR6843ISK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL6432, AWR6843



We have already procured AWR6843ISK evaluation kit and we want to load the exe given part of "xWRLx432_Gesture_Recognition" example given part of TI Radar tool box .i have gone through "xWRLx432_Gesture_Recognition Users Guide" document ,it was mentioned example supports  devices "xWRL1432 or IWRL6432".
As per my understanding AWR6843ISK  also operates 60-64GHZ ,and have necessary hardware like HWA,ARM processor,DSP subsystem but only  different antenna configuration.

my question:
1.please confirm whether the given reference application will work on AWR6843ISK or not ?
2. if it works ,do i need to do any changes on code or i can load the given example without any changes?
3. can you kindly share, if you have TIDEP document or any relevant document on signal processing chain implemented for "xWRLx432_Gesture_Recognition"



  • Hi Mani,

    The same example doesn't work for AWR6843. That being said, we do have a reference example for gesture recognition on AWR6843. Attached below is the link for that.

    Can you please ask your Sales representative or Field application engineer to contact us regarding the signal processing chain document.


  • Hi kundan,

       thanks for your quick reply.

       i have gone through the link shared by you and  checked  "Gesture With Machine Learning Users Guide" document ,it was mentioned devices support "xWR6843ISK-ODS ES2.0 Antenna Module or xWR6843AOP ES2.0 Antenna Module".

    we are having AWR6843ISK ( not xWR6843ISK-ODS and xWR6843AOP ) .As per my understanding the difference between these kts ( AWR6843ISK, xWR6843ISK-ODS and xWR6843AOP) are only antenna element placement and No of TX and RX antennas used.

    my question:
    1.please confirm whether the given reference application will work on AWR6843ISK or not ?
    2. if it works ,do i need to do any changes on code or i can load the given example without any changes?
    3. I am an application development engineer and just for your info(we have already procured  AWR6843ISK EVM,DCA 1000 ,mmwave booster card and using).so you can share " signal processing chain document and related information directly to me.

    if you need any of my info to share the document ,kindly let me know,



  • Hi Mani,

    The performance depends on the antenna placement, if you consider 6843AOP and 6843ODS EVMs there are more virtual antenna elements in elevation plane compared to 6843ISK. FOV of ISK antenna is 120deg in Azimuth and 30deg in elevation whereas ODS has 120deg FOV in both Azimuth and Elevation.
    So the performance would be different.

    The example will work but you need to change few parameters in the code (ex: Antenna array corrections). If you have installed toolbox, you can find it in radar_toolbox_2_10_00_04\source\ti\examples\Gesture_Recognition\Gesture_with_Machine_Learning\src\6443\mss\gesture.c file.

    But as I mentioned the performance would not be same as the antenna pattern and performance is different.

    We Cannot directly share the Signal processing chain document unless you have an NDA with TI. 


  • hi kundan,

     thanks for your reply.

    i understand your answer on performance difference across the evaluation card . 

    we are not concerned about performance parameter right now and ok with lesser elevation coverage, we would like to run the application on  card available with us (AWR6843ISK) and check the example.

    i can  check the file you mentioned "radar_toolbox_2_10_00_04\source\ti\examples\Gesture_Recognition\Gesture_with_Machine_Learning\src\6443\mss\gesture.c file.".

    My question:

      Can you share the code changes (ex: Antenna array corrections)  required for AWR6843ISK, so that we will able rebuild project file  and load the bin file and  check with our board.



  • Please allow us some time until early next week to provide you the following information

  • Thanks for update. Please share modified file /modification steps/ .bin file once done.

