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IWR6843AOP: Questions Regarding profileCfg

Part Number: IWR6843AOP


Hello mmWave team,
I have a couple of questions about the documentation for profileCfg:

  1. In the document "\mmwave_sdk_03_06_02_00-LTS\packages\ti\control\mmwavelink\include\rl_sensor.h", at line 713, it states that only even numbers can be used for freqSlopeConst. However, the given limits are odd numbers. Is this a typo?
  2. Is there a recommendation or calculation for how far adcStartTimeConst and txStartTime should be apart? This should depend on the max. unambiguous range, correct?
  3. What is the minimum idleTimeConst? Is it dependent on the bandwidth of the chirps?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards, Robin