I am using IWR6843ISK. I am connecting radar module with pc using micro usb. And observing the detected objects in industrial visualizer. I am placing radar module in ofc area where there are so many objects around radar. HFOV is 120 deg and VFOV is 34 deg. In visualizer it shows multiple detected points may be more than 50 points. But on left hand side of visualizer if I see points count it will be 10 or 12. So these are number of points are nothing but the detected objects? If these are the detected objects within that fov then is it doing any computation where it is combining/grouping some number of data points to one data point? Because there are so many objects in office area but it still shows as a count of 10 or 12 even though there are more than that.
What will be the maximum number of objects that can be detected by radar?