Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMAG3001EVM, MSPM0L1306, TMAG3001, CCSTUDIO, SYSCONFIG
I am successfully running TI project TMAG3001evm_LP=mspm0l_updated from Alison of TI, similar to TMAG 5273, and separately successfully running Project uart_tx_console_multibyte_repeated_fifo_dma_LP_MSPM0L1306_nortos_ticlang from mspm0Lexamples.The TMAG 3001 uses I2C, and the 1306 uses a UART
What I need to do is retrieve an angle calculation from the TMAG3001 and send it by UART to my PC via an external Uart to USB adapter. I cannot do this using the typical debug serial connection. I am using mspm0L1306 MPU
I am having no luck in trying to integrate the two projects.. I've wiped out old CCStudio and CCStudioTheia several times and had to reinstall them. Can you provide some direction in how to proceed.?
I looked on the internet and find that the suggested way to proceed is create an empty file and start adding code.
Almost all the code in both files is automatically generated by Sysconfig. One thought is to start with a SysConfig from 1 project, and modify SysConfig by adding in the second project differences on the graphic SysConfig display. Will this work?
Is their a different approach?
I think TI should add an example or two which illustrates both I2C and uart .in the same project.
eric@avidasw.com edulicki@avidasw.com