AWRL1432: Parameter: What is the maximum limit of slpTimeus?

Part Number: AWRL1432


We are working on LPDS, what are the limits on modifying parameters?

Because when modifying the parameters, the parameter setting is greater than 60s, the LPDS time is wrong.

/*If low power mode is enabled, call the Power Framework with frame idle time */
if(gMmwMssMCB.lowPowerMode == LOW_PWR_MODE_ENABLE)
/* Radar Power Management Framework driver call for getting to Low Power State */
/* Based on idle time left, different low power modes like LPDS, Idle can be taken */
demoLowPwrStateTaken = Power_getLowPowModeTaken();
if(demoLowPwrStateTaken == POWER_NONE)
/* Use Low Power config only when there is sufficient time. */
CLI_write("Error: No Sufficient Time for getting into Low Power Modes.\n");

  • Hello,

    Thanks for posting your question regarding the LPDS time limit. The slpTimeus is used to program the sleep_count_end field of the SLEEP_COUNTER_END register which is the number of ticks required before a wakeup signal is generated by the sleep counter. The sleep counter is driven by the SLOW_CLK which runs at 32 kHz, and the maximum value of the sleep_count_end field is 2097152 due to it being 21 bits in length. Therefore, we can calculate the maximum time by dividing the maximum value of the sleep_count_end field, 2097152, by the SLOW_CLK frequency, 32768, which ends up being 64 seconds.

    Let me know if this answered your question.

