I've been testing the FDC1004 for use in a proximity sensor. Using the evaluation board and sampling at 100hz, I typically get a standard deviation of about half a fF. When I use an Arduino to read values from the FDC1004 over I2C, however, I typically get larger values. The noise seems to depend heavily on the bus noise and/or power supply. Do you have any suggestions on how to mitigate these issues? I'd like to match the performance of the evaluation board.
To provide some concrete examples, when powering the Arduino (and FDC1004) over USB bus power and running off of my laptop's batteries, I can get a standard deviation of just over 1fF, but if I plug the laptop in it jumps up to around 12fF (and the noise then varies periodically at about 0.5Hz). On another computer, whether it's plugged in or not I can't get a lower standard deviation than 3fF, and when I ran the Arduino off of an external regulated power supply it actually made the standard deviation jump to 6fF.