I checked the ROS point cloud demo video at https://training.ti.com/point-cloud-visualization-robotics-using-tis-mmwave-sensor. I found the point cloud of walking person is more stable than the one I see in 3D Scatter Plot in mmwave demo visualizer when I walked before the IWR1443 EVM in lab. In my test, the point clouds are up and down frequently. Some points go very high or low in Z direction. In mmwave demo visualizer, I used the cfg in ROS driver demo (\ti_mmwave_rospkg_v1p2p1\ti_mmwave_rospkg\cfg\1443_3d.cfg). I used mmwave sdk 1.1 on EVM.
Would you pls kindly help on below quesions?
1. Which cfg file did you use in the ROS point cloud video?
2. Is the room in the video a special room, such as Anechoic Chamber?
3. Anything I need to take care about the position of EVM?
4. Did I miss any other thing?