We are deveping lidar using phase shift topologe(like opt8241) for long distane.
We think firstly we need emtting module which can operate high peak power and shortpulse.
When we deveoped laser driver using FET or laser driver IC.
We could'nt get maximum peak current . I think that's beacause solow rising time.
Then I find out GAN operating fast rising time to get maximum peak current.
So I try to design circuit like this . If you don't mind , please check our circuit and reviewing.
Or recommanding another parts.
This is our modulation specification and description about main parts.
1. main part
- Gate driver : LM5113 TM
- GAN : EPC2015C ( vds : 40v / rdson : 4mohm / Id :53A / Pulsed Id : 235A
- Laser : prinston optronics 's 40W CW laser / Part name : PCW-CS5-40-W0808 ( Operating voltage : 2v / Oprerating current : 60A / Threshold current : 10A )
2. Modulation spec
- duty : 20%
- pulse width : 100ns
- freq : 2Mhz
ps : I have one more question .
Firstly I try to use pulsed laser but i can't find it operating up to 20% (duty). Even if CW laser is more expensive , i had to chose it because of duty.
If i use CW laser , is there any diffrences compare to pulsed laser except duty. ( like risingtime) ??