Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I would test water vs ground sample code with IWR1442BOOST
I compiled the source in code composer v8, it was ok
it made 'xwr14xx_water_ground_lab_mss.bin' and 'xwr14xx_water_ground_lab_mss.xer4f'
( I followed the instruction in "water_vs_ground_lab_user_guide.pdf" )
It was OK until "step 5.2 Loading the binary"
but step 5.3 Running the binary, it was different from instruction
( the contents of the PDF file)
( results in My CCS)
There is no "CLI is operational" message
I don't know why..
Please let me know the reason that there is no "CLI is operational"
and let me know how to resolve the problem.
thank you....