I have couple questions about document "SPYY007 Figure 4 & Figure 6".
1. SPYY007 Figure 4a shows the TX ramping frequency, why there are 2 frequency ramping direction ? Or it means there is a LO(TX) harmonic also reflected at the opposide of DC ?
2. SPYY007 Figure 4b shows the RX reflected signals delay TX, does it also represent the harmonic signals of RX at the opposide of DC on the left side of 4b figure ?
3. In conventional real baseband mixer, the IF=RF-LO and IF(image)=RF+LO, assume the IF(image) has been filtered out, so it should only have IF=RF-LO signal appear on the IF spectrum and one side of DC.
I am confused why there are 2 IF signals on the spectrum which is located at DC left and right side as Figure 4c ?
4. Similar question as above for figure 6, if there is a LO signal or harmonic of LO at DC left side as figure 6 left side, why it's no signal showed on the left side of figure 6c after mixed with quadrature mixer ?
Basically, i am confused why same signals (either LO or RX) are reflected on DC left and right side.
Pls. kimdly explain more detail, thanks.