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DRV421 application

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV421

一、Now I need to make a scheme to measure the residual current. To solve the problem of leak current detection of charging gun, the current value needed to be detected is as follows:

1. AC breaking value, DC breaking value, reverse DC breaking value, sudden appearance of 15mA, 30mA, 60mA, 100mA, 200mA, 5A, 10A, 20A AC leakage current;
2. Sudden 3mA, 6mA, 60mA, 300mA DC leakage current, self-test function。

二、I do the leakage detection. I want to use the method in the figure below. Based on the principle of the fluxgate, when the leakage current of the primary conductor in the figure is generated, the induction coil transmits the signal to the chip, and Vout outputs a high. Level. This output can be in two ways: the first is that there is leakage current, Vout will output a fixed high level; the second is that the output level of Vout is linear with the magnitude of the leakage current.

三、From the point of view of parameter index, machining and fixing, etc.Can I use DRV421?

  • Hello Meng,

    Thank you for using the forum to get your questions answered.

    You cannot get the all the functionality with the DRV421. There is no self-test function. Also there is a 8µT offset of the DRV421 you will need to deal with. Also there are many magnetic coupling issue you will need to deal with when you are trying to measure very low currents (mA) on top of amps. The reason is that location of the conductor, permeability of the material all can lead to errors on the current you are attempting to measure.

    The Vout will be linear and it is the H-Bridge driver is what is driving the compensation coil at low frequencies. At higher frequency the compensation coil acts like a transformer driving the current on the compensation coil proportional to the Primary.

    The DRV421 stand alone cannot due all the function you ask. You would need some mechanical design of the magnetic core and simulate the core properties to make sure it will meet your needs. If the primary can move inside the coil you need to make sure that movement will not make any errors using your core. Higher permeability is better for this case. You would also need to take care of the offset (8µT) for the low currents (mA) and calibrate that somehow. If will not be the same from device to device. Also external magnetic fields need to be taken into account at low mA signals.

    There are many more details that I can go into if this is a path you are willing to continue with this approach.
  • Are there other chips that can meet my requirements?
  • Meng,

    I am sorry but I do not know of one that can meet all your requirements and I believe the DRV421 is the closest thing.