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I'm trying to stream data out of the IWR8643 using the LVDS interface to the DCA1000. I would like to start with raw ADC samples and eventually move to processed/custom data. I plan to use the API provided in C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_00_00_02\mmWaveStudio\Clients\AR1xController\RF_API.dll to control the DCA1000 however I'm having difficulty getting data out via the CBUFF interface.
I noticed that he multi_gesture_68xx lab contains code for streaming data out of the lvds interface so I loaded it onto the IWR6843ISK. The data produced by the gesture lab is custom data rather than raw ADC data but it thought it would be a good place to start.
After programming the mss, dss, and connecting to the uart port, I issue the following command " lvdsStreamCfg 0 0 1 1 ". The radar responds almost immediately with "DSS Frame Processing Deadline Miss Exception." This leads me to believe that this functionality was never intended to be used with this demo. Note I do not issue any other configuration commands to the radar since the user guide for the lab states " … the gesture demo firmware auto-configures the sensor with pre-programmed chirp configuration at startup"
Is there example firmware demonstrating setup of the CBUFF to stream raw adc data and/or custom data for the IWR6843 that is known to work?