Hi mmWave team,
I have tried decoding chirps (profileCfg and framCfg) in order to calculate range/velocity resolution/maximum. I started with IWR6843ISK mmw_pplcount_demo_default.cfg from here.
Range calculations are OK but velocity is the problem. I am using formula for maximum velocity form this document (http://www.ti.com/lit/an/swra553/swra553.pdf) and assuming T_c is idelTime + rampEndTime = 30 + 62 = 92ms. Then I get about twice maximum velocity and resolution values (47.33 vs 23.6 and 0.74 vs 0.36). Where could be a mistake?
Btw. what transmitting frequency you use when calculating wavelength and then velocity max. and resolution?
Thank you, Lukas