I am working with the AWR1243 chip, and I am having some difficulty with the porting of the mmwavelink driver.
I think I have a basic understanding of what needs to be done (steps 1 through 9 in the porting guide). I am done with steps one and two, and implemented the spi callback functions. I understand that SPI communication and the interrupt handling are intertwined (due to Host IRQ), but I find the porting guide too lean on documentation on what needs to be done here. An example code snippet would really help.
I browsed through forum posts trying to find anything related, and came across this thread:
However, I am unable to access the example code rl_nonos.c, etc... that are provided in the comments by Jitendra. I am wondering if I could obtain this code? Or something similar that would help me understand the interrupt framework a little better.
Thank you for the help in advance.