Hi Scott
I'm playing with these T and P gain and Offsets and other parameters and I'm a bit confuse. The confusion I have is as follow:
1.- I can record PADC and TADC using digital interface with no problem. when I apply the temperature equation to get T in degrees Fahrenheit it works very good.
2.- when I use TGain = 1 and TOFFSET =0, same for Pressure, I expected to get same output for temperature and pressure when using the COMBUF registers. but they aren't close and they vary alot.what could be happening?
3.- I saw that the H0EE and G0EE are calculated by multiplying the actual H or G for 2 ^22. how does this apply to TADC and TOFFSET?
4.- what format needs the be pressure and temperature after the ADC to input the TC and NL algorithm? I mean, is signed integer the correct output after the TADC and TOFFSET asre applied to TADC (same for Pressure)?
5.- from question 4, when Im using internal temperature the temperature T = (1/6636.1) *TADC - (1710281.3/6636.1). is TGAIN = (1/6636.1) and TOFFSET = (1710281.3/6636.1).
I'll continue to dig in to this tomorrow , but I need a good guide on these PGA Calibration parameters calculations.
Please advice