The GUI for mm-wave demo project shows clustering and tracking outputs. In the mss_main.c, the UART outputs are
- detectedObjects
- logMagRange
- noiseProfile
- rangeAzimuthHeatMap
- rangeDopplerHeatMap
- statsInfo
In my understanding, the clustering and tracking outputs are being sent through detectedObjects via UART to GUI. The detectedObjects structure contains x, y, z, doppler, snr, and noise. I exported the detectedObjects data in Matlab and plotted it, but didn't see the output in the form of clusters and trackers like shown in the attached figure.
It'd be great if someone could clarify:
- how the clusters and trackers are sent to GUI and how the rectangular and diamond boxes are formed?
- what is the data format of them?
- do they get updated at every frame?
Thank you
Best regards,