Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWCAS-RF-EVM, TDA2
We purchased the MMWCAS-DSP-EVM and MMWCAS-RF-EVM and following the user guide, we were unable to get either the ethernet and serial communication working with the board. When connected to an ethernet dongle, router, and directly to a computer, the board didn't respond to pings at the default address and none of the lights on the ethernet connector lit up. Powering the board with a 12V supply didn't change the behavior though it seems like each section is receiving power. We were unable to talk to the board through either of the two serial ports that appeared when connecting the DSP board to a computer via the mini-USB connector. Reflashing the micro SD card with the most recent firmware didn't change things so we're suspecting the processor isn't booting up. The board looks to be in decent physical condition.
We tried these things while waiting for a reply on our case started at the beginning of the week. Unless there's something we're missing, we'll return the DSP board for a replacement next week.