Dear All,
I have a sensor which can give a signal in terms of 0 - 17 V with the maximum current of 20 uA. Actually I don't have an issue in developing the signal conditioner circuits.
My system consist of three main components (sensor, signal conditioning, Energy management circuit (EMC)).
When I am connecting my EMC circuit to the senor, the signal will completely dip to 0 V. Because the EMC has very low impedance. Actually I need a switch type of circuit connected in series fashion (sensor - switch - EMC). In this case I can use the configuration of High side MOSFET, but problem is I need high side MOSFET driver mechanism and etc.
My requirement is some switch circuit rated for 100 uA circuit can be controlled by high (3.0) low (0) logic. When logic is high, switch should in open circuit and vice versa.
Actually my requirement may appear very wired, but I am struggling very badly to solve this issue.
Thank you,