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CCS/IWR6843: How to solve "[C674X_0] out of DDR heap memory" problem

Part Number: IWR6843

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,

I try to porting our people_count project from CLI to hard code config. I refer to your 68xx_mmwave_sdk_hcc and edit out project, After porting the project, it cannot work correctly. I enter debug mode and "out of DDR heap memory" in console. Please give me some suggestions to solve this problem. Thank you 

I provide my program and information for your reference

console information

[C674X_0] ObjDet DPC: objDetObj address = (ObjDetObj *) 0x81dfb0
Debug: DPM Module Sync is done
[Cortex_R4_0] **********************************************
Debug: Launching the MMW Demo on MSS
Debug: Launched the Initialization Task
Debug: mmWave Control Initialization was successful
Debug: mmWave Control Synchronization was successful
Debug: Sending rlRfSetLdoBypassConfig with 0 0 0
Sensor was successfully opened.
Data Output Mode: Frame
Sending configSensor command to EVM.
App: Issuing Pre-start Common Config IOCTL to R4F
App: Issuing Pre-start Common Config IOCTL to DSP
DPM IOCTL report msg = 101
DPM IOCTL report msg = 201
App: Calling MmwDemo_RFParser_parseConfig
App: Calling MmwDemo_ADCBufConfig
============ Heap Memory Stats ============
Size Used Free DPCUsed
System Heap(TCMB) 133120 38864 94256 3072
L3 589824 393216 196608
localRam(TCMB) 8192 512 7680
DPM IOCTL report msg = 200
App: pre-start config for DSP
App: pre-start config ready to be set to DSP
[C674X_0] out of DDR heap memory!
out of DDR heap memory!
out of L2 heap memory!
out of L2 heap memory!
out of L2 heap memory!
out of DDR heap memory!
out of DDR heap memory!
DPU_radarProcess_init - process handle: (radarProcessInstance_t *)0xf01200
DPU_radarProcess_init - dynamic CFAR handle: (RADARDEMO_detectionCFAR_handle *)0x0
DPU_radarProcess_init - staic CFAR handle: (RADARDEMO_detectionCFAR_handle *)0x7f0820
DPU_radarProcess_init - 2D capon handle: (RADARDEMO_aoaEst2DCaponBF_handle *)0xf01690
DPU_radarProcess_init - benchmark obj: (radarProcessBenchmarkObj *)0x0
DPU_radarProcess_init - heatmap: (float *)0x0