Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2
I am working on MMWCAS DSP and RF EVM and trying to capture the data in MIMO mode.
Cascade_Capture.lua file: [Changed capture_time, inter_loop_time, num_frames_to_capture]
capture_time = 10000 -- ms
inter_loop_time = 10000 -- ms
num_loops = 1
n_files_allocation = 0
data_packaging = 0 -- 0: 16-bit, 1: 12-bit
capture_directory = "Cascade_Capture_22xx"
num_frames_to_capture = 100 -- 0: default case; Any positive value - number of frames to capture
framing_type = 1 -- 0: infinite, 1: finite
stop_frame_mode = 0 -- 0: Frame boundary, 2: Sub-frame boundary,
-- 3: Burst boundary, 4: HW/Sub-frame triggered
In Cascade_Configuration_MIMO.lua,
-- Frame configuration [Deafult frame config]
local start_chirp_tx = 0
local end_chirp_tx = 11
local nchirp_loops = 64 -- Number of chirps per frame
local nframes_master = 10 -- Number of Frames for Master
local nframes_slave = 10 -- Number of Frames for Slaves
local Inter_Frame_Interval = 100 -- ms
local trigger_delay = 0 -- us
local trig_list = {1,2,2,2} -- 1: Software trigger, 2: Hardware trigger
1. After capturing the data in MIMO mode. No. of frames found to be 50 [Matlab: frameCountGlobal = 50:] but I configured to 100, Why?.
2. Why separately mentioning nframes for master and slaves? If I set nframes_master = 10, nframes_slave = 5, What it means?
3. What is relation between, num_frames_to_capture, nframes_master, and nframes_slave?
4. If I set num_frames_to_capture to +ve integer, then Is this going to override, nframes_master and nframes_slave ?
5. Is nframes_master and nframes_slave always should be equal?
Kishor KS