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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2


I am working on MMWCAS DSP and RF EVM and trying to capture the data in MIMO mode.

Cascade_Capture.lua file: [Changed capture_time, inter_loop_time, num_frames_to_capture]
capture_time = 10000 -- ms
inter_loop_time = 10000 -- ms
num_loops = 1

n_files_allocation = 0
data_packaging = 0 -- 0: 16-bit, 1: 12-bit
capture_directory = "Cascade_Capture_22xx"
num_frames_to_capture = 100 -- 0: default case; Any positive value - number of frames to capture

framing_type = 1 -- 0: infinite, 1: finite
stop_frame_mode = 0 -- 0: Frame boundary, 2: Sub-frame boundary,
-- 3: Burst boundary, 4: HW/Sub-frame triggered

In Cascade_Configuration_MIMO.lua,
-- Frame configuration [Deafult frame config]
local start_chirp_tx = 0
local end_chirp_tx = 11
local nchirp_loops = 64 -- Number of chirps per frame
local nframes_master = 10 -- Number of Frames for Master
local nframes_slave = 10 -- Number of Frames for Slaves
local Inter_Frame_Interval = 100 -- ms
local trigger_delay = 0 -- us
local trig_list = {1,2,2,2} -- 1: Software trigger, 2: Hardware trigger

1. After capturing the data in MIMO mode. No. of frames found to be 50 [Matlab: frameCountGlobal = 50:] but I configured to 100, Why?.
2. Why separately mentioning nframes for master and slaves? If I set nframes_master = 10, nframes_slave = 5, What it means?
3. What is relation between, num_frames_to_capture, nframes_master, and nframes_slave?
4. If I set num_frames_to_capture to +ve integer, then Is this going to override, nframes_master and nframes_slave ?
5. Is nframes_master and nframes_slave always should be equal?


Kishor KS

  • Hi,

    Please give us a few days to get back to you

    thank you

  • Hello Kishor KS,

    Let me clarify some questions for you here :

    num_frames_to_capture parameter in the cascade capture script is something that is sent to the TDA board during TDA ARM to notify the capture card about space allocation for frame capture. By default, it is zero. in that case, TDA will look for a 2 sec timeout in the lanes's data and capture as much as you've configured. However if the “num_frames_to_capture” parameter is set to a non-zero value, then the TDA2 will only capture exactly that many number of frames. Sometimes if that parameter is less than the total number of frames, it doesn't capture at all (which is what you're seeing in case 2 of your other thread). So it is always suggested to keep this value as zero.

    nframes_master and nframes_slaves decide the actual frame count. If you keep these two parameters unequal, TDA will capture the minimum number of frames specified in either of them. So to summarize, keep both of them equal (Although keeping them unequal wouldn't lead to any error). TDA basically looks into all CSI2 lines of all the 4 devices, and then if it sees any inactivity in any of the lanes, it disregards the other lanes's data.



  • Hi Ishitha Kochar,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I am just summarizing the above comments.

    Assuming, Capture Time  >  100*frameTime

    Capture Time [in Sec]

    No. of frames to capture


    Nframes_master = Nframes_slaves






    The no of files captured in the directory is zero! Nothing to transfer




    Device Capturing 10 frames




    Device Capturing 100 frames

    Is my understanding correct?


    Kishor KS

  • Hello Kishor,

    I think there is a slight confusion here.

    1. The significance of "2 sec" in my reply was the time for timeout if the TDA doesn't get any data from the device CSI lanes. It is not the "capture time".

    2. It is recommended to keep the "num_frames_to_capture" as zero i.e. the default case. This way you will atleast eliminate one unnecessary variable for data capture.

    3. Keep nframes_master and nframes_slave number equal. The device will capture the specified number of frames.

    Have you tried capturing with the above settings and observed meaningful results?

